1963 - 1st Semester RUSH PARTY
Joe Ametrano and Harld Skipper | |
The Boys | |
Joe Ametrano and Steve Seymour | |
A day of fishing 187lbs.....not bad .......Tom Rosendale and Doug Evans | |
Joe Ametrano and Steve Seymour | |
Leonard Fite, Lee Morris and Mike Warden | |
Lee Morris, John Haviland and Leonard Fite | |
Buddy Fowler | |
Todd Disner | |
Doug Evans | |
David Schriner | |
Harold Skipper and Kay Chandler (Sweetheart) | |
Leonard Fite | |
Tom Rosendale | |
Todd Disner | |
Leonard Fite | |
Harold Skipper "It's going to hurt" | |
Steve Seymour giving a lick to Bobby Ashcom(Christianson) | |
The Boys at a meeting | |
Joe Ametrano | |
Joe Ametrano, Perry Christian, Lee Morris and Steve Seymour | |
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Lee Morris, Mimi Murray and Bruce Daily | | |
Ronny Fulks and Steve Seymore | |
John Haviland, Rusty Barnes and Berry Harvey | |
Steve Seymour and others | |
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It must have been a party photo | | |
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New Brothers after being swore in | |
The weekly Monday night meeting | |
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1964 - Meeting at McWhorter's
Jeff Giles "Easy Please" | |
Jeff Giles | |
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1964 - Meeting at Frank Robinson
Mike Whitfield takes one from Bruce Daily | |
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Mike Wonder get another one!!! Perry Christian giving the lick and Richard Sadowski is doing the holding. "Thank you Sir, may I have another Sirrrrrrr" | |
Mike Whitfield, Bill McWhorter, Bill Harrison, Richard Morgan and Perry Christian | |
Frank Robinson and Joe Ametrano | |
Mike Warden give a lick while Rusty Barnes hold the paddle guard | |
Harold Skipper "Cool Man" | |
Mike Wonder and Rusty Barnes | |
The Whole Gang | |
Counts Party | |
"Changing of the Guard" Old Officers Perry Christian, Harold Skipper, Bill Harrison Mike Warden and Steve Seymour | |
The New Officers - John Marson, Richard Morgan, Richard Sadowski, Tom Cook Ronny Fulks, Mike Warden | |
Bill McWhorter and Richard Morgan | |
Harold Skipper | |
Jerry Ford | |
Counts Party | |
Phil Tracy John McGahey and Jim Morrison | |
? , David Stoller | |
1964 - Second Semester Rush Party At McGahey's
Rusty Barnes | |
Member of the Band, Barry Harvey and Richard Morgan | |
Rusty Barnes, Richard Sadowski | |
Phil Tracy and Perry Christian | |
Mike Warden and Bruce Daily | |
Ronny Fulks and Franky Koutas | |
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The Band taking a break | | |
1964 - Party at Eddy Lopez's
Lee Morris Richard Morgan | |
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Harold Skipper | |
Belle Quesenberry, Terri Wubbold "Woobs" and Barry Harvey | |
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Steve Seymour | |
1964 - Camp Out at Turtle Beach
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Mike Whitfield, Mike Rebozo, Eddie Lopez and John McGahey | |
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Bill McWhorter and Linda Drexel | |
Ronnie Fulks and Jerry Ford | |
Art Morrison | |
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Eddie Petrow and Eddie Lopez | |
1964 - Eddy Petrow, Harold Skipper, ?, Terri Wubbold and Barry Harvey | |
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Tony Nihill, Kit Chandle, Kim Leland, John McGahey, Coleen Reagan, Bruce Daily, Pam Griffen Jan McGan. | | |